Spine Publications

MacLean MA, Charest-Morin R, Stratton A, Singh S, Kelly AM, Pickett GE, Glennie A, Bailey C, Weber MH, Attabib N, Cherry A, Crawford E, Paquet J, Dea N, Nataraj A, Abraham E, Eseonu K, Johnson M, Hamilton H, Thomas K, McIntosh G, Fisher C, Rampersaud R, Greene R, Christie S. Gender differences in spine surgery for degenerative lumbar disease: prospective cohort study. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2024 Oct 18;1(aop):1-9.

Shakil H, Dea N, Malhotra AK, Essa A, Jacobs WB, Cadotte DW, Paquet J, Weber MH, Phan P, Bailey CS, Christie SD, Attabib N, Manson N, Toor J, Nataraj A, Hall H, McIntosh G, Fisher C, Rampersaud R, Evaniew N, Wilson J. Who gets better after surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy? A responder analysis from the multicenter Canadian spine outcomes and research network. The Spine Journal. 2024 Oct 17.

Hébert J, Bigney E, Nowell S, Wang S, Wedderkopp N, Small C, Abraham E, Attabib N, Evaniew N, Paquet J, Charest-Morin R, Singh S, Weber M, Kelly A, Kingwell S, Crawford E, Nataraj A, Marion T, LaRue B, Ahn H, Hall H, Fisher C, Rampersaud R, Dea N, Bailey C, Manson N. Outcome prediction following lumbar disc surgery: a longitudinal study of outcome trajectories, prognostic factors, and risk models. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2024 Oct 4;1(aop):1-0.

Bond M, Charest-Morin R, Street J, Fisher C, Dea N, Singh S, Paquet J, Abraham E, Bailey C, Weber M, Nataraj A, Attabib N, Kelly A, Rampersaud R, Manson N, Phan P, Thomas K, Soroceanu A, LaRue B, Ahn H, Marion T, Christie S, Glennie A, Wang Z, Hall H, Sutherland J. The Influence of Wait Time on Surgical Outcomes in Elective Lumbar Degenerative Spine Conditions: A Retrospective Multicentre Cohort Study. Global Spine Journal. 2024 Sep 25:21925682241287463.

Kwan WC, Ailon T, Dea N, Evaniew N, Rampersaud R, Jacobs BW, Paquet J, Wilson JR, Hall H, Bailey CS, Weber MH, Nataraj A, Cadotte D, Phan P, Christie S, Fisher C, Singh S, Manson N, Thomas K, Toor J, Soroceanu A, McIntosh G, Charest-Morin R. Satisfaction in Surgically Treated Patients with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: An observational study from the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network. The Spine Journal. 2024 Sep 26.

Moskven E, McIntosh G, Nataraj A, Christie SD, Kumar R, Phan P, Wang Z, Tarabay B, Weber M, Singh S, Bailey C, Manson N, Abraham E, Paquet J, Wilson J, Rampersaud R, Fisher C, Dea N, Charest-Morin R. Factors associated with increased length of stay in degenerative cervical spine surgery: a cohort analysis from the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2024 Apr 5;1(aop):1-0.

Althagafi A, Dea N, Evaniew N, Rampersaud RY, Jacobs WB, Paquet J, Wilson JR, Hall H, Bailey CS, Weber MH, Nataraj A, Attabib N, Cadotte DW, Phan P, Christie SD, Fisher CG, Manson N, Thomas K, Mcintosh G & Charest-Morin R. Pre-operative expectations of patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy: an observational study from the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network. The Spine Journal. 2024 Apr 26.

Walker TN, Urquhart JC, Rasoulinejad P, Singh S, Glennie RA, Fisher CG, Rampersaud YR, Abraham E, Street J, Dvorak MF, Paquette S, Charest-Morin R, Dea N, Gelinas-Phaneuf N, Kwon B, Bailey C. Differences in the surgical management of degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis based on self-reported sex: analysis of the CSORN prospective DLS study. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2024 Mar 8

Malhotra AK, He Y, Harrington EM, Jaja BN, Zhu MP, Shakil H, Dea N, Weber MH, Attabib N, Phan P, Rampersaud YR, Paquet J, Jacobs B, Cadotte D, Christie S Nataraj A, Bailey C, Johnson M, Fisher C, Hall H, Manson N, Thomas K, Ginsberg H, Fehlings M, Witiw C, Davis A, Wilson J. Development of the cervical myelopathy severity index: a new patient reported outcome measure to quantify impairments and functional limitations. The Spine Journal. 2023 Nov 1.

Gaudet DJ, Best LA, Attabib N. Life satisfaction after traumatic spinal cord injury: a comparison f life satisfaction in people living with paraplegia and tetraplegia to the general Canadian population. Psychological Applications and Trends 2023

Ayling OG, Ailon T, Craig M, Dea N, McIntosh G, Abraham E, Jacobs WB, Johnson MG, Paquet J, Yee A, Hall H, Bailey C, Manson N, Rampersaud R, Thomas K, Fisher C. Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Surgery for Lumbar Disc Herniation: Comparison of a Universal and Multitier Health Care System. Global Spine Journal. 2023 Sep;13(7):1695-702.

Ajoku U, Johnson MG, McIntosh G, Thomas K, Bailey CS, Hall H, Fisher CG, Manson N, Rampersaud YR, Dea N, Christie S, Abraham E, Weber M, Charest-Morin R, Attabib N, le Roux A, Phan P, Paquet J, Lewkonia P, Goytan M. Temporal analysis of complication rates of cervical spine surgery for degenerative spine disease between younger and older cohorts using the CSORN registry: Is age just a number?. European Spine Journal. 2023 Aug 18:1-8.

Rogers S, Manson N, Bigney E, McPhee R, Vandewint A, Richardson E, El-Mughayyar D, Abraham E. Impact of Undergoing Thoracolumbar Surgery on Patient Psychosocial Profiles. Global Spine Journal. 2023 Jul 28:21925682231191693.

Evaniew N, Bogle A, Soroceanu A, Jacobs WB, Cho R, Fisher CG, Rampersaud YR, Weber MH, Finkelstein JA, Attabib N, Kelly A, Stratton A, Bailey C, Paquet J, Johnson M, Manson N, Hall H, McIntosh G, Thomas K. Minimally invasive tubular lumbar discectomy versus conventional open lumbar discectomy: an observational study from the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network. Global Spine Journal. 2023 Jun;13(5):1293-303.

Thornley P, Urquhart JC, Glennie A, Rampersaud R, Fisher C, Abraham E, Charest-Morin R, Dea N, Kwon BK, Manson N, Hall H, Paquette S, Street J, Siddiqu F, Rasoulinejad P, Bailey C. Functional Outcomes Correlate with Sagittal Spinal Balance in Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis Surgery. The Spine Journal. 2023 Jun 10.

Whelan A, McVeigh S, Barker P, Glennie A, Wang D, Chen M, Cheng CL, Humphreys S, O’Connell C, Attabib N, Engelbrecht A, Christie S. The effect of rurality and distance from care on health outcomes, environmental barriers, and healthcare utilization patterns in persons with traumatic spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2023 May 11:1-0.

Power JD, Perruccio AV, Canizares M, McIntosh G, Abraham E, Attabib N, Bailey CS, Charest-Morin R, Dea N, Finkelstein J, Fisher C, Glennie A, Hall H, Johnson M, Kelly A, Kingwell S, Manson N, Nataraj A, Paquet J, Singh S, Soroceanu A, Thomas K, Weber M, Rampersaud R. Determining minimal clinically important difference estimates following surgery for degenerative conditions of the lumbar spine: analysis of the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network (CSORN) registry. The Spine Journal. 2023 May 7

Algarni N, Dea N, Evaniew N, McIntosh G, Jacobs BW, Paquet J, Wilson JR, Hall H, Bailey CS, Weber MH, Nataraj A, Attabib N, Rampersaud R, Cadotte D, Stratton A, Christie S, Fisher C, Charest-Morin R. Does Ending a Posterior Construct Proximally at C2 Versus C3 Impact Patient Reported Outcomes in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy Patients up to 24 months After the Surgery?. Global Spine Journal. 2023 Mar 24:21925682231166605.

Evaniew N, Burger LD, Dea N, Cadotte DW, Bailey CS, Christie SD, Fisher CG, Rampersaud YR, Paquet J, Singh S, Weber MH, Attabib N, Johnson M, Manson N, Phan P, Nataraj A, Wilson J, Hall H, McIntosh G, Jacobs B. Deterioration After Surgery for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: An Observational Study From the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network. Spine. 2023 Mar 1;48(5):310-20.

Dandurand C, Mashayekhi MS, McIntosh G, Singh S, Paquet J, Chaudhry H, Abraham E, Bailey CS, Weber MH, Johnson MG, Nataraj A, Attabib N, Kelly A, Hall H, Rampersaud R, Manson N, Phan P, Thomas K, Fisher C, Charest-Morin R, Soroceanu A, LaRue B, Dea N. Cost consequence analysis of waiting for lumbar disc herniation surgery. Scientific Reports. 2023 Mar 18;13(1):4519.

Lawrence DC, Montazeripouragha A, Wai EK, Roffey DM, Phan KM, Phan P, Stratton A, Kingwell S, McIntosh G, Soroceanu A, Abraham E, Bailey C, Christie S, Paquet J, Glennie A, Nataraj A, Hall H, Fisher C, Rampersaud R, Thomas K, Manson N, Johnson M, Zarrabian M. Beneficial Effects of Preoperative Exercise on the Outcomes of Lumbar Fusion Spinal Surgery. Physiotherapy Canada. 2023 Feb 1;75(1):22-8

Dandurand C, Mashayekhi MS, McIntosh G, Street JT, Fisher CG, Finkelstein J, Abraham E, Paquet J, Hall H, Wai E, Fourney DR, Bailey C, Christie S, Soroceanu A, Johnson M, Kelly A, Marion T, Nataraj A, Santaguida C, Warren C, Hogan T, Manson N, Phan P, Ahn H, Rampersaud R, Blanchard J, Thomas K, Dea N, Charest-Morin R. Patient, clinical, surgical, and institutional factors associated with length of stay in scheduled degenerative thoracolumbar spine surgery: National Multicenter Cohort Analysis from the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2022 Dec 23;1(aop):1-1.

MacLennan MH, le Roux A. Cervical amyloidoma of transthyretin type: a case report and review of literature. BMC geriatrics. 2022 Dec;22(1):1-1.

Evaniew N, Swamy G, Jacobs WB, Bouchard J, Cho R, Manson NA, Rampersaud YR, Paquet J, Bailey CS, Johnson M, Attabib N, Fisher C, McIntosh G, Thomas K. Lumbar fusion surgery for patients with back pain and degenerative disc disease: an observational study from the Canadian spine outcomes and research Network. Global Spine Journal. 2022 Oct;12(8):1676-86.

Cushnie D, Soroceanu A, Stratton A, Dea N, Finkelstein J, Bailey CS, Weber MH, Paquet J, Glennie A, Hall H, Rampersaud R, Ahn H, Kelly A, Christie S, Nataraj A, Johnson M, Abraham E, Attabib N, Fisher C, Manson N, Thomas K. Outcome of spine surgery in patients with depressed mental states: a Canadian spine outcome research network study. The Spine Journal. 2022 Oct 1;22(10):1700-7.

Alnaghmoosh N, Urquhart J, Raj R, Abraham E, Jacobs B, Phan P, Johnson M, Paquet J, Nataraj A, McIntosh G, Fisher CG, Rampersaud R, Manson N, Hall H, Rasoulinejad P, Bailey C. Back dominant pain has equal outcomes to radicular dominant pain following posterior lumbar fusion in adult isthmic spondylolisthesis: a CSORN study. Global Spine Journal. 2022 Oct;12(8):1667-75.

MacLean MA, Bailey C, Fisher C, Rampersaud YR, Greene R, Abraham E, Dea N, Hall H, Manson N, Glennie RA. Evaluating instability in Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: objective variables versus surgeon impressions. JBJS Open Access. 2022 Oct 1;7(4):e22.

Kerr J, Abraham E, Vandewint A, Bigney E, Hebert J, Richardson E, El-Mughayyar D, Chorney J, El-Hawary R, PORSCHE Study Group, McPhee R, Manson N. Predicting Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes Following Major Scoliosis Surgery in Adolescents: A Latent Class Growth Analysis. Global Spine Journal. 2022 Sep

Hébert JJ, Adams T, Cunningham E, El-Mughayyar D, Manson N, Abraham E, Wedderkopp N, Bigney E, Richardson E, Vandewint A, Small C, Kolyvas G, le Roux A, Robichaud A, Weber M, Fisher C, Dea N, du Plessis S, Charest-Morin R, Christie S, Bailey C, Rampersaud R, Johnson M, Paquet J, Nataraj A, LaRue B, Hall H, Attabib N. Prediction of 2-year clinical outcome trajectories in patients undergoing anterior cervical discectomy and fusion for spondylotic radiculopathy. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2022 Sep 16;1(aop):1-0.

Dandurand C, McIntosh G, Paquet J, Abraham EP, Bailey CS, Weber MH, Johnson MG, Glennie RA, Attabib N, Rampersaud RY, Manson N, Phan P, Fisher C, Dea N. 47. Economic consequences of waiting for lumbar disc herniation surgery. The Spine Journal. 2022 Sep 1;22(9):S24.

Wang S, Hebert JJ, Abraham E, Vandewint A, Bigney E, Richardson E, El-Mughayyar D, Attabib N, Wedderkopp N, Kingwell S, Soroceanu A, Weber M, Hall H, Finkelstein J, Bailey C, Thomas K, Nataraj A, Pacquet J, Johnson M, Fisher C, Rampersaud R, Dea N, Small C, Manson N. Postoperative recovery patterns following discectomy surgery in patients with lumbar radiculopathy. Scientific reports. 2022 Jul 1;12(1):1-9.

Banaszek D, McIntosh G, Charest-Morin R, Abraham E, Manson N, Johnson MG, Bailey CS, Rampersaud YR, Glennie RA, Paquet J, Nataraj A, Weber M, Christie S, Attabib N, Soroceanu A, Kelly A, Hall H, Thomas K, Fisher C, Dea N. Practice Variation between Salaried and Fee-for-Service Surgeons for Lumbar Surgery. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2022 Jun 16:1-8.

Dickinson A, LeRoux A, Kolyvas G, El-Mughayyar D, Ghallab N, Bigney E, Richardson E, Vandewint A, Attabib N. Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Addition to Twist Drill Drainage as a Treatment for Chronic Subdural Hematomas–A Descriptive Analysis. Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery. 2022 Jun 1;17(1):25-30.

Cushnie D, Soroceanu A, Stratton A, Dea N, Finkelstein J, Bailey CS, Weber MH, Paquet J, Glennie A, Hall H, Rampersaud R, Ahn H, Kelly A, Christie S, Nataraj A, Johnson M, Abraham E, Attabib N, Fisher C, Manson N, Thomas K. Outcome of Spine Surgery in Patients with Depressed Mental States: a Canadian Spine Outcome Research Network study. The Spine Journal. 2022 Jun 6.

Singh S, McIntosh G, Dea N, Hall H, Paquet J, Abraham E, Bailey CS, Weber MH, Johnson MG, Nataraj A, Glennie RA, Attabib N, Kelly A, Rampersaud R, Manson N, Phan P, Rachevitz M, Thomas K, Fisher C, Charest-Morin R. Effects of Workload on Return to Work After Elective Lumbar Spine Surgery. Global Spine Journal. 2022 Jun 20:21925682221109558.

Lawrence DC, Montazeripouragha A, Wai EK, Roffey DM, Phan KM, Phan P, Stratton A, Kingwell S, McIntosh G, Soroceanu A, Abraham E, Bailey C, Christie S, Pacquet J, Glennie A, Nataraj A, Hall H, Fisher C, Rampersaud R, Thomas K, Manson N, Johnson M, Zarrabian M. Beneficial Effects of Preoperative Exercise on the Outcomes of Lumbar Fusion Spinal Surgery. Physiotherapy Canada. 2022 Jun 20(aop):e20210030.

Romagna A, Wilson JR, Jacobs WB, Johnson MG, Bailey CS, Christie S, Paquet J, Nataraj A, Cadotte DW, Manson N, Hall H, Thomas K, Schwartz C, Rampersaud R, McIntosh G, Fisher C, Dea N. Factors associated with return to work after surgery for degenerative cervical spondylotic myelopathy: cohort analysis from the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network. Global Spine Journal. 2022 May;12(4):573-8.

Charest-Morin R, Bailey CS, McIntosh G, Rampersaud YR, Jacobs WB, Cadotte DW, Paquet J, Hall H, Weber MH, Johnson MG, Nataraj A, Attabib N, Manson N, Phan P, Christie S, Thomas K, Fisher C, Dea N. Does extending a posterior cervical fusion construct into the upper thoracic spine impact patient-reported outcomes as long as 2 years after surgery in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy? Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2022 May 6;1(aop):1-9.

Charalampidis A, Canizares M, Kalsi PS, Wu PH, Johnson M, Soroceanu A, Nataraj A, Glennie A, Rasoulinejad P, Attabib N, Hall H, Fisher C, Thomas K, Rampersaud R. Differentiation of pain-related functional limitations in surgical patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) using the Oswestry Disability Index: a Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network (CSORN) study. The Spine Journal, 22(4), 578-586. April 2022

Rampersaud YR, Canizares M, Perruccio AV, Abraham E, Bailey CS, Christie SD, Evaniew N, Finkelstein JA, Glennie RA, Johnson MG, Nataraj A, Pacquet J, Phan P, Weber M, Thomas K, Manson N, Hall H, Fisher C. Fulfillment of Patient Expectations After Spine Surgery is Critical to Patient Satisfaction: A Cohort Study of Spine Surgery Patients. Neurosurgery. 2022 Apr 27:10-227.

Ayling OG, Rampersaud YR, Dandurand C, Yuan PH, Ailon T, Dea N, McIntosh G, Christie SD, Abraham E, Bailey CS, Johnson MG, Bouchard J, Weber M, Pacquet J, Finkelstein J, Stratton A, Hall H, Manson N, Thomas K, Fisher C. Surgical outcomes of patients who fail to reach minimal clinically important differences: comparison of minimally invasive versus open transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2022 Apr 15;1(aop):1-8.

Elkaim LM, McIntosh G, Dea N, Navarro-Ramirez R, Jacobs WB, Cadotte DW, Singh S, Christie SD, Robichaud A, Phan P, Paquet J, Nataraj A, Hall H,Bailey C, Rampersaud R, Thomas K, Manson N, Fisher C, Weber M. Predictors of home discharge after scheduled surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2022 Apr 15;1(aop):1-6.

Alsuwaihel M, El-Mughayyar D, MacLennan M, Attabib N. Undifferentiated presentation of unilateral agenesis of a cervical pedicle and a contiguous vertebral hemangioma: illustrative case. Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons. 2022 Apr 18;3(16).

Evaniew N, Charest-Morin R, Jacobs WB, Johnson M, Bailey CS, Christie S, Paquet J, Nataraj A, Cadotte DW, Wilson JR, Craig M, Xu M, Manson N, Hall H, Ken T, Rampersaud R, McIntosh G, Fisher C, Dea N. Cervical sagittal alignment in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy: an observational study from the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network. Spine. 2022 Mar 1;47(5):E177-86.

MacLennan MH, El-Mughayyar D, Attabib N. Double-level noncontiguous thoracic Chance fractures treated with percutaneous stabilization: illustrative case. Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons. 2021 Dec 6;2(23).

Karim SM, Cadotte DW, Wilson JR, Kwon BK, Jacobs WB, Johnson MG, Paquet J, Bailey CS, Christie SD, Nataraj A, Attabib N, Phan P, McIntosh G, Hall H, Rampersaud R, Manson N, Thomas KC, Fisher CG, Dea N, on behalf of the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network (CSORN). Effectiveness of Surgical Decompression in Patients With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Results of the Canadian Prospective Multicenter Study. Neurosurgery.;89(5):844-51. 2021 Nov

S Mohammed Karim, MD, David W Cadotte, MD, PhD, FRCSC, Jefferson R Wilson, MD, FRCSC, Brian K Kwon, MD, PhD, FRCSC, W Bradley Jacobs, MD, FRCSC, Michael G Johnson, MD, FRCSC, Jérôme Paquet, MD, FRCSC, Christopher S Bailey, MD, FRCSC, Sean D Christie, MD, FRCSC, Andrew Nataraj, MD, FRCSC, Najmedden Attabib, MD, FRCSC, Philippe Phan, MD, PhD, FRCSC, Greg McIntosh, MSc, Hamilton Hall, MD, FRCSC, Y Raja Rampersaud, MD, FRCSC, Neil Manson, MD, FRCSC, Kenneth C Thomas, MD, FRCSC, Charles G Fisher, MD, MHSc, FRCSC, Nicolas Dea, MD, MSc, FRCSC, on behalf of the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network (CSORN), Effectiveness of Surgical Decompression in Patients With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Results of the Canadian Prospective Multicenter Study, Neurosurgery, 2021;, nyab295, 2021 Nov

Charalampidis A, Canizares M, Kalsi PS, Wu PH, Johnson M, Soroceanu A, Nataraj A, Glennie A, Rasoulinejad P, Attabib N, Hall H. Differentiation of pain related functional limitations in surgical patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) using the Oswestry Disability Index: a Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network (CSORN) study. The Spine Journal. 2021 Oct

Singh, S., Ailon, T., McIntosh, G., Dea, N., Paquet, J., Abraham, E., Bailey, C. S., Weber, M. H., Johnson, M. G., Nataraj, A., Glennie, R. A., Attabib, N., Kelly, A., Hall, H., Rampersaud, Y. R., Manson, N., Phan, P., Thomas, K., Fisher, C. G., & Charest-Morin, R. (2021). Time to return to work after elective lumbar spine surgery, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2021 Sep

Hathi K, Bigney E, Richardson E, Alugo T, El-Mughayyar D, Vandewint A, Manson N, Abraham E, Small C, Thomas K, Fisher CG. Minimally Invasive vs. Open Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Patients with Diabetes–A Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network Study. Global Spine Journal. 2021 Aug

Cushnie D, Fisher C, Hall H, Johnson M, Christie S, Bailey C, Phan P, Abraham E, Glennie A, Jacobs B, Paquet J, Thomas K. Mental health improvements after elective spine surgery: a Canadian Spine Outcome Research Network (CSORN) study, The Spine Journal, 2021, ISSN 1529-9430, 2021 Aug

Iorio-Morin C, Fisher CG, Abraham E, Nataraj A, Attabib N, Paquet J, Hogan TG, Bailey CS, Ahn H, Johnson M, Richardson EA, Manson N, Thomas K, Rampersaud YR, Hall H, Dea N. Low-back pain after lumbar discectomy for disc herniation: what can you tell your patient? J Neurosurg Spine. 2021 Aug

Ayling, O. G. S., Charest-Morin, R., Eagles, M. E., Ailon, T., Street, J. T., Dea, N., McIntosh, G., Christie, S. D., Abraham, E., Jacobs, W. B., Bailey, C. S., Johnson, M. G., Attabib, N., Jarzem, P., Weber, M., Paquet, J., Finkelstein, J., Stratton, A., Hall, H., Manson, N., Rampersaud, Y. R., Thomas, K., & Fisher, C. G. (2021). National adverse event profile after lumbar spine surgery for lumbar degenerative disorders and comparison of complication rates between hospitals: a CSORN registry study, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2021 Aug

Evaniew, N., Bogle, A., Soroceanu, A., Jacobs, W. B., Cho, R., Fisher, C. G., Rampersaud, Y. R., Weber, M. H., Finkelstein, J. A., Attabib, N., Kelly, A., Stratton, A., Bailey, C. S., Paquet, J., Johnson, M., Manson, N. A., Hall, H., McIntosh, G., & Thomas, K. C. (2021). Minimally Invasive Tubular Lumbar Discectomy Versus Conventional Open Lumbar Discectomy: An Observational Study From the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network. Global Spine Journal. 2021 Jul

Inculet, C., Urquhart, J. C., Rasoulinejad, P., Hall, H., Fisher, C., Attabib, N., Thomas, K., Ahn, H., Johnson, M., Glennie, A., Nataraj, A., Christie, S. D., Stratton, A., Yee, A., Manson, N., Paquet, J., Rampersaud, Y. R., & Bailey, C. S. (2021). Factors associated with using an interbody fusion device for low-grade lumbar degenerative versus isthmic spondylolisthesis: a retrospective cohort study, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 35(3), 299-307. 2021 Jul

Glennie RA, Bailey CS, Abraham E, Manson N, Casha S, Thomas K, Paquet J, McIntosh G, Hall H, Fisher CG, Rampersaud YR. Variation in surgical treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis in Canada: surgeon assessment of stability and impact on treatment. European Spine Journal. (12):3709-19 2021 Jul

Attabib, N., Kurban, D., Cheng, C. L., Rivers, C. S., Bailey, C. S., Christie, S., Ethans, K., Flett, H., Furlan, J. C., Tsai, E. C., & O’Connell, C. (2020). Factors Associated with Recovery in Motor Strength, Walking Ability, and Bowel and Bladder Function after Traumatic Cauda Equina Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2021 June

Glennie, R. A., Canizares, M., Perruccio, A. V., Abraham, E., Nicholls, F., Nataraj, A., Phan, P., Attabib, N., Johnson, M. G., Richardson, E., McIntosh, G., Ahn, H., Fisher, C. G., Manson, N., Thomas, K., & Rampersaud, Y. R.. The impact of pathoanatomical diagnosis on elective spine surgery patient expectations: a Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network study, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 35(1), 34-41. 2021 May

Schneider, N., Fisher, C., Glennie, A., Urquhart, J., Street, J., Dvorak, M., Paquette, S., Charest-Morin, R., Ailon, T., Manson, N., Thomas, K., Rasoulinejad, P., Rampersaud, R., & Bailey, C. (2020). Lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis: factors associated with the decision to fuse. The Spine Journal, 2021 May

Aoude A, Litowski M, Aldebeyan S, Fisher C, Hall H, Manson N, Bailey CS, Ahn H, Abraham E, Nataraj A, Paquet J. A comparison of patient and surgeon expectations of spine surgical outcomes. Global Spine Journal. 2021 Apr;11(3):331-7.

Alsuwaihel, M., El-Mughayyar, D., Archer, B., Kolyvas, G., Attabib, N. Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization for Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Case Series. Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery, 2021; 16(1): 21-25. 2021 Spring

Ayling OG, Ailon T, Street JT, Dea N, McIntosh G, Abraham E, Jacobs WB, Soroceanu A, Johnson MG, Paquet J, Rasoulinejad P, Phan P, Yee A, Christie S, Nataraj A, Glennie A, Hall H, Manson N, Rampersaud R, Thomas K, Fisher C. The Effect of perioperative adverse events on long-term patient-reported outcomes after lumbar spine surgery. Neurosurgery. 2021 Feb;88(2):420-7

Chan, V., Nataraj, A., Bailey, C., Abraham, E., Soroceanu, A., Johnson, M., Paquet J., Christie S., Stratton A., Hall., Manson, N., Rampersaud R., Thomas K., Fisher, C. (2020). Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Between Posterior Instrumented Fusion With and Without Interbody Fusion for Isthmic Spondylolisthesis. Clinical Spine Surgery. 2021 Feb 11;34(1):E13-8.

Bond, M., Evaniew, N., Bailey, C. S., Glennie, R. A., Paquet, J., Dea, N., Hall, H., Manson, N., Thomas, K., McIntosh, G., Soroceanu, A., Abraham, E., Johnson, M., Kingwell, S., Charest-Morin, R., Christie, S., Rampersaud, Y. R., & Fisher, C. G. (2020). Back pain in surgically treated degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: what can we tell our patients? The Spine Journal, 2020 Dec

Rowe E, Hassan E, Carlesso L, Wilson J, Gross D, Fisher C, Hall H, Manson N, Thomas K, McIntosh G, Drew B, Rampersaud R, Macedo L. Predicting Recovery after Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Surgery: A protocol for a historical cohort study using data from the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network (CSORN). Canadian Journal of Pain, 4:4, 19-25, 2020 Dec

12. Inglis, T, Banaszek, D, Rivers, C. S, Kurban, D, Evaniew, N, Fallah, N, Waheed, Z, Christie, S, Fox, R, Thiong, J.-M. M, Ethans, K, Ho, C, Linassi, A. G, Ahn, H, Attabib, N, Bailey, C. S, Fehlings, M. G, Fourney, D. R, Paquet, J, … Kwon, B. K. (2020). In-Hospital Mortality for the Elderly with Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 37(21), 2332–2342

Hebert, J., Abraham, E., Wedderkopp, N., Bigney, E., Richardson,E., Darling,M., Hall, H.,
Fisher,C., Rampersaud, Y.R., Thomas, K., Jacobs, B., Johnson, M., Paquet, J., Attabib, N., Jarzem, P., Wai,E., Rasoulinejad, P., Ahn, H., Nataraj, A., Stratton, A., Manson, N.. Preoperative Factors Predict Postoperative Trajectories of Pain and Disability Following Surgery for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Preoperative factors predict postoperative trajectories of pain and disability following surgery for degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. Spine. 2020 Nov 11;45(21):E1421.

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